I think it was more basic than this, I watch patterns of events over months and sometimes years, there have been some occurrences of transitory attack and or spams through above.net and I believe that this spawned from those connections being denied transit across above.net I do find it possible, for the other events to have probable cause, however being denied transit seems the more realistic of causes to piss someone off enough to attack. The second choice would be some aspiring 12 year old who is feeling his oats and simply experimenting with packet toys... My fundamental question here is where is the directory where all these new DDoS toyz and other forms of destruction located at? How are they getting to these programs? A solution is system wide scans for code segments in programs that spawn attacks and remove them and the users who have them without a valid reason. Search records for ssh, stelnet, telnet connections to boxes other than the primary account. Tighten up on hosted domains TOS and force Domain registrars to cancel domains involved in criminal activity. This is the only way to make people realize, that harming the fabric of the network is unacceptable, irregardless of the intent or cause. Exiled Dave wrote:
A thought just came to me.
My experience with above.net, and exodus.net, leaves me to KNOW that a certain exodus engineer's wife works as an engineer at above.net. Reading the quote at
"Vixie says the company has speculated widely as to the motive for the attack and concluded that it could have emerged from one of two "completely useless categories." One category includes competitors that the company took a customer away from, disgruntled former employees or customers who had been disconnected because they were spamming. The other category, said Vixie, includes "someone who has something to prove and wants to bring our network down and wants to brag about it." "
Ebay WAS at exodus, then half of it went to above.
Maybe this is just the "conspirator" in me, but, what if that husband/wife team was 'contracted' for revenge, for the ebay move, and participated in paid corporate espionage?
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-- Thank you; |--------------------------------------------| | Thinking is a learned process so is UNIX | |--------------------------------------------| Henry R. Linneweh