26 May
26 May
2:44 p.m.
On Wed, 25 May 2005, Jay R. Ashworth wrote:
The major problem, as has been pointed out in Privacy and RISKS digests in the past dozens of times, is that people persist in using as authenticators things (like SSN's, Mother's Maiden Name, etc) which are patently not suitable for that.
pre-existing sources of of unabigious uniqueness that map to people are hard to come by... fwiw, most universities that I'm aware of, have moved away from using ssn's as an authentication tool. joelja
Cheers, -- jra
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Joel Jaeggli Unix Consulting joelja@darkwing.uoregon.edu GPG Key Fingerprint: 5C6E 0104 BAF0 40B0 5BD3 C38B F000 35AB B67F 56B2