Mr. Vixie, Sorry you are spam magnet, but I like to read BoardWatch while taking a dump... been reading for years. TAKE their free copy, push them that 1 issue closer to bankruptcy. I pick option 5, after the full issue of BoardWatch dedicated to anti-spam. They are hipocrits <sp> with maybe Mr. Dixon's superiours possessing some of 2 and 4 combined due to the lack of training they provided him. 1 is too harsh and 3 can't comment on without further screen garbage coming across. Tim Gibson On Thu, 27 Mar 1997, Paul A Vixie wrote:
miserable scumsucking morons from hell? completely unclear on the concept? unaware of what NANOG is? unaware of what the Internet is?
you decide. see below.
for the record, mr. david dixon, i did NOT ask you for any information, i am NOT an internet service provider, i do NOT allow this kind of trash in my inbox, and your name is now MUD in most of known space. good job.
see http://www.vix.com/spam/ for background material.