Yes, that's how PacketCable works. Here's some CLI output -- nothing like a quick example to make that clear. Here's a customer with 8M/512K Internet service: CMTS:7A#sh cable modem 0008.0ed2.0928 svc-flow-id Service flow id Interface Flow Direction Flow Max Rate 1 cable 0/0 Upstream 512000 2 cable 0/0 Downstream 8000000 CMTS:7A# Here's a customer with 128K/128K Internet service and two additional service flows for voice signaling: CMTS:7A#sh cable modem 0013.1192.f867 svc-flow-id Service flow id Interface Flow Direction Flow Max Rate 3593 cable 0/1 Upstream 128000 3594 cable 0/1 Upstream 12000 3595 cable 0/1 Downstream 128000 3596 cable 0/1 Downstream 30000 CMTS:7A# And here's a customer with 2M/2M Internet service with a call in progress. Note the additional service flows, with sufficient bandwidth and overhead for a G.711 call. CMTS:7A#show cable modem 0015.a275.efd3 svc-flow-id Service flow id Interface Flow Direction Flow Max Rate 4425 cable 1/1 Upstream 2048000 4426 cable 1/1 Upstream 12000 4427 cable 1/1 Downstream 2048000 4428 cable 1/1 Downstream 30000 8745 cable 1/1 Upstream 92800 29314 cable 1/1 Downstream 87200 CMTS:7A# Remember, PacketCable is not Internet VoIP and I don't think any MSO has claimed it is such. It doesn't run over the Internet connection and is not given priority within the Internet flow. That's why there should be no net neutrality concerns. Frank -----Original Message----- From: Valdis.Kletnieks@vt.edu [mailto:Valdis.Kletnieks@vt.edu] Sent: Wednesday, March 02, 2011 9:40 AM To: frnkblk@iname.com Cc: 'Scott Helms'; nanog@nanog.org Subject: Re: What vexes VoIP users? On Tue, 01 Mar 2011 23:55:16 CST, Frank Bulk said:
Are you saying that the large MSOs don't use CM configuration files that create separate downstream and upstream service flows for Internet, voice signaling, and voice bearer traffic?
So the cable company carves out a protected flow for its own triple-play telephone, while third-party VoIP vendors have to contend on the Internet flow? Why aren't the net-neutrality people busy having a cow over this?