Ejay, I found a great link some time ago: www.dnsstuff.com http://www.dnsstuff.com/pages/expert.htm This one has an option to do a lookup to any public DNS server... Pick some of the random Internation DNS servers and try it out.. It helped me out awhile back when an old DNS hoster still had us in their named.conf...... Later, Jim ---From Ejay--- Hi all. nanog(signal,noise++) I have a customer that is reporting intermittent reachability issues to Stormpay.com, and need a off-network perspective on dns. The end-user reports not being able to resolve the domain, but it's been okay everywhere I looked. Most of the complaints have been international, but there are a couple of charter and EarthLink addresses mixed in. Last dns change was 2 almost weeks ago, so I don't suspect a propagation issue. It should resolve to Thanks, Ejay. (Who now owes two rounds at the next <400mi from Nashville after-nanog-bar-huddle)