when patrick is referring to "taking their word for it", he's referring to a post on outages@ by godaddy's network engineering manager that stated "bgp, and more details to follow". i tend to align with patrick's thought. i'm also interested to see the details, which they are really under no obligation to provide. On Tue, Sep 11, 2012 at 1:53 PM, Rubens Kuhl <rubensk@gmail.com> wrote:
No large flows reported to the affected NSes, tweets were suspicious at best, other anon-ops denied the attack was them, and GoDaddy admitted internal error.
I'm going to take GoDaddy at their word, and give them major kudos for owning up to the mistake - in public.
That doesn't mean that their description of the internal error fits what happened. Not to say that there were an attack, just that there can be more internal failures, including processes, to be accounted for. Whether they will publish a root-cause analysis/swiss chesse model/<insert your preferred methodology> or not is up to them, but to tech-savvy stakeholders I think they are still in debt.