Joe Maimon wrote : I use a bunch of scripts plus a supervisory sqlite3 database process all injecting into quagga
I have the sqlite part planned, today I'm using a flat file :-( I know :-(
Also aimed at attacker sources. I feed it with honeypots and live servers, hooked into fail2ban and using independent host scripts. Not very sophisticated, the remotes use ssh executed commands to add/delete. I also setup a promiscuous ebgp RR so I can extend my umbrella to CPE with diverse connectivity.
I would like to have your feed. How many attacker prefixes do you currently have ?
Using flow data, that sounds like an interesting direction to take this into, so thank you!
The one thing we can share here is the attacker prefixes. The victim prefixes are unique to each of us but I expect our attacker prefixes to be very close. Michel. TSI Disclaimer: This message and any files or text attached to it are intended only for the recipients named above and contain information that may be confidential or privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, you must not forward, copy, use or otherwise disclose this communication or the information contained herein. In the event you have received this message in error, please notify the sender immediately by replying to this message, and then delete all copies of it from your system. Thank you!...