Be sure and read the end as well.... References 1. E. Terrell ( not published notarized, 1979 ) " The Proof of Fermat's Last Theorem: The Revolution in Mathematical Thought " -scott At 11:55 AM 08/25/1999 -0700, J.D. Falk wrote:
This looks like interesting (and operational) reading.
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A New Internet-Draft is available from the on-line Internet-Drafts
Title : The Mathematical Reality of IP Addressing in IPv4 Questions the need for Another IP System of Addressing Author(s) : E. Terrell Filename : draft-terrell-math-ipaddr-ipv4-00.txt Pages : 22 Date : 24-Aug-99
This paper was necessitated by an overwhelming desire; an attempt to end the apparent disparity in the dissemination of information absent of the logical and thoroughness in rendering an explanation of the IP Addressing Scheme. To render a more pointed fact, I needed to pass a CISCO Certification Examination. However, this can never be accomplished, if the information that is needed and used in the preparation thereof, lacks continuity and propagates errors pertaining to foundational information. Needless to say, my endeavors were not in vein. That is,as a direct result of this undertaking, I corrected the underlining errors, derived a possible alternative approach to the IPv4 Addressing Scheme, and expanded its Class system ( that is no longer in use ). In other words, I was indeed successful in the elimination of the problems associated with IP Address Flooding inherent in IPv4 and the complexities of IPv6. In short, small business and single family dwellings can now have the option of having their own private IP Addressing Scheme, without the disparity resulting from the steep learning curve presented in IPv6. While the Internet Community at large, will not suffer a shortage of the availability IP Addresses for assigned distribution. Especially since, while the number available IP Addresses do not exceed the amount reported to be provided, if IPv6 is implemented. It does indeed, provide enough IP Addresses to cover their continued issuance for at least another 100 years or so. Which is dependent upon the adoption of an adequate scheme for its allocation and distribution.
A URL for this Internet-Draft is: http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-terrell-math-ipaddr-ipv4-00.txt
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---------========== J.D. Falk <jdfalk@cybernothing.org> =========--------- | "The Ogre philosopher Gnerdel beleived the purpose of life | | was to live as high on the food chain as possible. | | She refused to eat vegetarians, and preferred to live entirely | | on creatures that preyed on sentient beings." | | -Magic: The Gathering "Grey Ogre" | ----========== http://www.cybernothing.org/jdfalk/home.html ==========----