age of 35). Also you could ask your friendly local full license, old school radio ham etc etc... It's a dying skill, not because it isn't good, but because it takes training/practice and time. Tiewraps (Zip ties) are cheap, quick and require little (if any) training.
When I sat my ham license, tying cables wasn't a component of the course. :) Though of course, many older-school licensees are probably from telco or professional RF backgrounds. (We wont mention how many years _under_ the average age, I am...) The other thing I found interesting; The use of Zip Ties on Copper Cabling is frowned upon by BICSI. Velcro preferred. Something to do with the compression on a twisted-pair cable caused by over-tight nylon cable ties screwing with their twist rates, and thus changing their Crosttalk characteristics... Mark. (Sporting the scars from poorly trimmed cable ties!)