In message <4D531B52.70404@ispalliance.net>, Scott Helms writes:
On Feb 9, 2011, at 12:00 PM, david raistrick wrote:
On Wed, 9 Feb 2011, Jens Link wrote:
Scott Helms<khelms@ispalliance.net> writes:
IPv6 for some ISPs will be extraordinarily painful because of legacy layer 2 gear I don't feel sorry for them. We know that IPv6 is coming for how long? 15years? 10year? 5years? Well if you only read the mainstream media you And at what point during that time did they have any vendor gear they coul d purchase that -would- support v6? At -best- during the last 5 years, but I'd put money on that even today they can't purchase gear with adequate v6 su
On 2/9/2011 5:48 PM, Owen DeLong wrote: pport.
This is largely the result of the fact that they did not demand it from the ir vendors during that time.
Absolutely, just as the ISPs didn't see demand, and don't today, from their users and thus the circle of blame is complete :)
And some of their customers have been asking for IPv6 all along. I started asking my ISP at home in 2003. I suspect if all the ISPs here were honest they would say that they have had a trickle of IPv6 requests for the last 8 years. Mark Date: Mon, 16 Jun 2003 09:54:05 +1000 To: Mark_Andrews@isc.org From: cablesupport@optusnet.com.au Subject: Re: [TT#6556559] HELPDESK Feedback Form - Mon Jun 16 09:52:50 2003 Return-Path: nobody@pts.optusnet.com.au Delivery-Date: Mon Jun 16 10:00:00 2003 Return-Path: <nobody@pts.optusnet.com.au> X-Original-To: marka@farside.isc.org Delivered-To: marka@farside.isc.org X-Loop: pts Reply-To: cablesupport@optusnet.com.au Hello, Thank you for your email regarding the OptusNet Cable service. At the moment there are no plans for any IPv6 deployment, when this is due to happen we will notify all customers. Regards, Alex OptusNet Cable Technical Support -- Mark Andrews, ISC 1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742 INTERNET: marka@isc.org