For a lot of us, PONs are a way of life and may not even have any 100G capable devices in our network, muchless enough to make our money on. While you may be so "lucky" to "never really take it seriously", it is supporting hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of homes in the US. PON is the lifeblood if many rural communities. I'm luckily to have a healthy mix of PON and AE operations since I'm located next to cities. But I've met cooperatives in the middle of no where with super low density where it's 6 people + 2 donkeys on staff. AE would never work there, but PONs allow them cheap and available broadband options. Unless someone wants to give enough funding to run AE to people's homes, PONs will continue to allow many communities to have more than cellular internet access options, if that. This email has been sent from my phone. Please excuse any brevity, typos, or lack of formality. ________________________________ From: Aaron <aaron@wholesaleinternet.net> Sent: Friday, February 8, 2019 16:03 To: nanog@nanog.org Subject: Re: Last Mile Design My statement was meant to be tongue in cheek. We deliver 1G to the home free of charge and make our money on the 10,40 and 100G connections. We haven't been able to deliver those capacities over PON so we've never really taken it seriously. As with everything else, you're use case and economics may vary. Aaron On 2/8/2019 2:31 PM, Tony Wicks wrote:
It also significantly reduces the requirement to distribute active equipment into the field while massively reducing the feeder fibre requirement. Point to point has its place to be sure, but mass market FTTH is not viable without PON's economics.
On 02/08/2019 12:48 PM, Aaron wrote:
I've always felt PON is a tool for people who don't know how to design a proper network. Why is that?
I always thought PON was a technology that reduced the number of active ports, thus altering the port cost per subscriber significantly by not actually needing dedicated ports.
-- ================================================================ Aaron Wendel Chief Technical Officer Wholesale Internet, Inc. (AS 32097) (816)550-9030 https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.wholesal... ================================================================