At 11:18 AM 9/17/2001 -0700, Randy Bush wrote:
no one went after the comms infrastructure. when they do, i suspect that we will find the internet is extremely vulnerable. how many folk even have md5 auth turned on their bgp peering sessions? what nievete!
If someone can splice into my point-to-point OC system, fake being the router on the other end, and keep my peer from calling me and asking what happened, well, then I have MUCH bigger things to worry about than whether my BGP session is valid. (And he probably has the capability to do whatever he wants, no matter how hard I try to stop him.) As for public peering points, the ARP resolution would cause problems, and either I or my peer would notice pretty darned quickly. But only a small percentage of the traffic on the 'Net goes over public peering points these days anyway. Not sure where else anyone could use MD5 on their BGP. Maybe I missed something?
-- TTFN, patrick