George Bonser wrote:
Awesome. It's good to know that there are still operations like that around. That is probably found more often in local providers and not so often in the big operations. The more community oriented providers would be much more accepting of such a situation than a large operation.
Community oriented provider, that's what I am talking about. I just couldn't find the right term.
but having someone "on call" probably isn't that bad if it is infrequently needed.
I'd be willing to pay extra for access after hours, either a recurring fee or on a case by case basis. I am not searching for the cheapest option and demanding that in addition my car be detailed weekly. But just some co-locating space for one or a few servers where I don't have to plan a week ahead or miss half a day of $dayjob in order to work on it (which would cost me more). Greetings, Jeroen -- http://goldmark.org/jeff/stupid-disclaimers/ http://linuxmafia.com/~rick/faq/plural-of-virus.html