I agree that one cpu does all is outdated monolithic design. Even hub vendors have two: one for hubbing, one for snmp and rmon. Mike On Fri, 28 Apr 1995, Tony Li wrote:
The equipment available today is designed foolishly -- route update processing and actual packet processing should NEVER be done by the same CPU -- but it is -- and as such you're dead when this happens.
Lest anyone believe this, it's bullshit.
Karl just buys low end gear and then complains because it's not high end gear.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Michael F. Nittmann nittmann@wis.com Network Architect nittmann@b3.com B3 Corporation, Marshfield, WI (CIX Member) (715) 387 1700 xt. 158 US Cyber (SM), Washington DC (715) 573 2448 (715) 831 7922 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------