On Mon, 4 Apr 2022, Jon Lewis wrote:
On Mon, 4 Apr 2022, Dan Mahoney (Gushi) wrote:
As one datapoint, two tiny /24's I (not-dayjob) originate are legacy resources. They cannot be added to either RPKI or the ARIN IRR objects without endeavoring to spend an at-least-this-much-money-price-will-only-go-up-over-time amount.
Ironically, to find the way forward, ARIN would require incorporation, the signing of a RSA, and Moar Money for this same organization to have similar v6 blocks, in order to eventually retire these v4 resources.
I guess this legacy IP space, which is probably visible in ARIN's whois DB, but for which they provide no additional services unless you sign a LRSA and are then on the hook for annual membership fees?
Yes. No RPKI, no DNSSEC, no Auth IRR. The featureset available seems to be frozen in time to what was available "back then". I particularly find the no dnssec bit Ironic considering the person holding it is the person who did a great deal of the DNSSec work in a major DNS implementation. You're allowed to insert, into WHOIS, an assertion of your originating AS (like a pre-rpki-rpki) but I do not know of anything that consumes this, and I believe this is not visible anywhere but WHOIS. -Dan -- --------Dan Mahoney-------- Techie, Sysadmin, WebGeek Gushi on efnet/undernet IRC FB: fb.com/DanielMahoneyIV LI: linkedin.com/in/gushi Site: http://www.gushi.org ---------------------------