On Fri, 05 Mar 2010 17:08:50 EST, David Conrad said:
On Mar 5, 2010, at 1:21 PM, Owen DeLong wrote:
Ah, but, that assumes that the need is located in a similar part of the network to the reclamation, or, that the point of reclamation can be sufficiently motivated to do so by the money offered by the point of need.
Actually, no, not really. When you're dying of thirst, even muddy water can be mighty appealing.
Muddy water is a good way to catch anything from dysentery to Giardia to typhoid fever. You *really* want to avoid it if at all possible, or at least do your best to treat it. Anyhow, the problem is that the person dying of thirst will in most cases not be anywhere near where the muddy water is. Sure, my AS could do the renumbering and get back a /25 or /26 - but then what will we *do* with it? We're not about to go get just a /25 from an RIR, so it doesn't realistically slow down *OUR* requests, and we can't give it to anybody else easily. Our last big IP space grab was to deploy campus-wide wireless, which ended up needing a chunk of space. We ended up splitting the difference - wireless users get a globally routable dynamic-config IPv6 address, but a NAT-ed IPv4 address out of a /18 in 172.16.