On Sep 22, 2007, at 5:26 AM, Rod Beck wrote:
It is not obvious to me that there is a Pacific cable capacity glut. For example, I sold a DS3 from LA to Hong Kong for $6K MRC whereas the last time a wholesale TransAtlantic DS3 rivaled that figure was 2001.
Not to mention that the Taiwan straits earthquake showed a clear lack of physical diversity on a number of important Pacific routes, which I know some companies are laying fiber to address. Regards Marshall Human beings systematically underestimate certain risks and exaggerate others. The defenders of the Pacific cables will point out that the cables were actually quite well spaced and that the only reason so many cables were destroyed was that the earthquake caused an undersea landslipe that rolled over hundreds of kilometers. However, the Taiwan strait is an area of constant seismic activity and that risk was ignored largely because the Big One occurs infrequently enough not to matter to the decision makers. On the other side of the coin, the average American is more likely to die in a car accident than a terrorist attack. Yet the US devotes more resources to preventing terrorist attaacks than to preventing car accidents or reducing its extreme high infant mortality rate (twice the level of developed countries like Canada or France). This e-mail and any attachments thereto is intended only for use by the addressee(s) named herein and may be proprietary and/or legally privileged. If you are not the intended recipient of this e-mail, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this email, and any attachments thereto, without the prior written permission of the sender is strictly prohibited. If you receive this e-mail in error, please immediately telephone or e-mail the sender and permanently delete the original copy and any copy of this e-mail, and any printout thereof. All documents, contracts or agreements referred or attached to this e-mail are SUBJECT TO CONTRACT. The contents of an attachment to this e-mail may contain software viruses that could damage your own computer system. While Hibernia Atlantic has taken every reasonable precaution to minimize this risk, we cannot accept liability for any damage that you sustain as a result of software viruses. You should carry out your own virus checks before opening any attachment