On Wed, 23 Jun 2004, Alex Rubenstein wrote:
Should a customer be allowed to force a carrier to allow them to announce non-portable IP space as they see fit to any other carriers of their choosing when they are no longer buying service from the original carrier [that the space is assigned to]?
"NAC shall permit CUSTOMER to continue utilization through any carrier or carriers of CUSTOMER's choice of any IP addresses that were utilized by, through or on behalf of CUSTOMER under the current agreement during the term thereof (the "Prior CUSTOMER Addresses") and shall not interfere in any way with the use of the Prior CUSTOMER Addresses, including, but not limited to:
I don't even see a time limit mentioned here. Are they planning to snatch the IPs away from NAC indefinitely? Which part of non-portable did they not understand? You're paying ARIN a yearly maintenance fee on those IPs. If you end up in court, that should be pointed out. If the ex-customer is no longer paying you for service, then they have no right to continue to use your IP space. If you wanted to be "really nice", you might allow them some grace period (days, weeks?) in which to renumber into either their own IP space or their next provider's. AFAIK, common practice when switching carriers and renumbering is to have overlapping service with the old and new providers while you renumber. At the very least, you should get an IP rental fee out of them if they want the space indefinitely. If this case goes badly, it'll have some pretty serious implications wrt current ARIN policies. i.e. All address space becomes portable...who pays the fees if ARIN says it's your space but a customer has "stolen" it from you in court?. I suggest you contact ARIN and see if they're aware of any legal precedents that would be helpful or if they have counsel that might be helpful to you in upholding ARIN policy in court. BTW...who's the customer? I think this is someone most providers would want to avoid dealing with. This has also served as an example suggesting that if it's not already in there, all customer contracts should specifically say that any IP space assigned by the provider to the customer will be revoked if/when the customer's service is terminated. I'll have to see if ours have anything about that. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Jon Lewis | I route Senior Network Engineer | therefore you are Atlantic Net | _________ http://www.lewis.org/~jlewis/pgp for PGP public key_________