Randy Bush wrote:
ok boys and girls. second day. would people please clean up their announcements so the rest of us can see if we have any bugs? thanks.
Reserved Network and Host Announcements --------------------------------------- at Mae-East from NetRail (AS4006) ASPATH=4006 INCOMPLETE at Mae-West from NetRail (AS4006) ASPATH=4006 INCOMPLETE at Paix from NetRail (AS4006) ASPATH=4006 INCOMPLETE
These are toast, but the remainder aren't IANA Reserved address space being announced -- does merit's database know what it's doing, or maybe it's doing more than it used to and the title just hasn't changed, or something? at Mae-East from BBN-Planet (AS1) ASPATH=1 5727 2915 151 IGP at Mae-East from BBN-Planet (AS1) ASPATH=1 5727 2915 151 IGP
This looks okay -- not stellar, but acceptable. Does merit's service hate the inconsistent announcements, or am I missing something? In fact I don't see the problem with most of them. Be kind if and when you instruct.