Tony Li wrote:
Are there national exceptions to international law? Seems to me that if no exceptions are permitted, then everyone is treated equally.
Yes there are. E.g. NAZI sites and propaganda are prohibited in germany. They are welcome in the u.s. That delivers a pseudo excuse for corrupt german politician to censor sites like http://www.julius-hellenthal.de/ This site is about curing illnesses related to bakteria. Medicine in germany "does not believe in antibioatics". I could not proof Hellenthal's site was censored. Fact 1 - you could not reach it and gogogle would not find it. Fact 2 - "friends" of dr. med. Julius Helenthal were teaching at the same university were the german DNS was "politically corrected" (you may use a 4 letter word starting with "s" or "f" to your liking :) I am afraid it might be the other way too, because using italian, french or spanish speaking and located search engines gives results about sites written in english. Sometimes the answer will be in cache only. Sometines you will find a site you can bookmark and retrieve. Never will you find that site using english speaking search engines. Interestingly enough the sites I searched for were about "golf war syndrome" and illnes related to bakteria. Please try to find "Dr. med. Nicholson" and "mycoplasma bakteria". If all war related syndromes might relate to mycoplasma bakteria and those bakteria were to be found in oil fields it would suggest interesting thoughts. If you would relate this to live found, several thousand meters deep under ground at temparatures above 400 celsius (700 kelvin) you might relate this to "the mad cow syndrome" but that information is censored too. It might suggest there is oil everywhere - maybe even on the moon. Who is interested in finding oil everywhere? Censored! Who is interested in his citicens running away to the moon? Censored! Not to mention mars. Censored! There are very few counties where the internet is not censored. I believe italy is one of them. They are so corrupt - they have bigger holes to fill. That is why they dont have time to censor the internet. I believe having more than two roots to chose from will make censoring more difficult. That is why I support The Public-Root and I shall help mostly any new root emerging. -- Peter and Karin Dambier Public-Root Graeffstrasse 14 D-64646 Heppenheim +49-6252-671788 (Telekom) +49-179-108-3978 (O2 Genion) +49-6252-750308 (VoIP: sipgate.de) +1-360-448-1275 (VoIP: freeworldialup.com) mail: peter@peter-dambier.de http://iason.site.voila.fr http://www.kokoom.com/iason