So that I'm not misunderstood let me say this: 1: I do not neccessarily agree with the sale of IPs, personally, I don't think its a good idea 2: This is a real world economy now, outdated academic practices which are currently being enforced are as wrong as the sale of IPs. 3: Wether you, ARIN, or anyone else likes it or not, IPs are for all intents and purposes a resellable commodity, otherwise ARIN et all can (ala Jim Flemming) be called on as being a Monopoly. 4: The simple fact of the matter is that the RFCs are not at any time, the law of the land. They are at best guidelines and good ideas set down for others to follow, but there is no rule stating that you _must_ follow them. 5: Before you start chasing wild geese selling Class B address space I suggest you go back and check on all those folks that got space long before there were any 'restrictions and justifications'. I have no doubt that there is a veritable feast of IPs sitting unused at MIT, USC, and other such institutions that would be better used elsewhere instead of sitting in a corner like a dusty grad student. 6: Finally and most importantly, stop pretending you still live in the world of happy academia where everyone is willing to follow the rules you set down just because you're the proffessor and they're the student. This just does not work anymore, you may scoff at people like Jim Flemming but for each one you knock down there is another one to learn from his mistakes and take his place. Do not pretend you can sit idle and call people who don't fall in line behind you names so that you can sit back in your dusty chair and pretend nothing is wrong. The internet as a whole is growing at an unthought of pace and your failure to keep up will not be fixed by being tight assed and making it harder on those that follow. Eventually someone else will take the forefront and throw you off your high horse like yesterdays newspaper. You purport to be leaders of the internet, then its about time you acted like it and start to solve the problems instead of trying to make the problems go away by being ignorant of reality. [-] Brett L. Hawn (blh @ nol dot net) [-] [-] Networks On-Line - Houston, Texas [-] [-] 713-467-7100 [-]