--On Saturday, August 26, 2006 8:09 PM -0500 Gadi Evron <ge@linuxbox.org> wrote:
Content and personal anility arguments aside, n3td3v should be kicked instantly off this list. He is without any question a troll built for trolling and nothing else. Lurking mostly on security related lists.
I recently (this past week) noted a Yahoo!Groups group, or maybe it was a Google Groups forum, that was mirroring posts to this list. The name was n3td3v. I don't know if this is relevant or whether we need to bug G or Y! to take the list down (since the list is already archived publicly by NANOG itself). It's just... weird. -- Steve Sobol, Professional Geek ** Java/VB/VC/PHP/Perl ** Linux/*BSD/Windows Apple Valley, California PGP:0xE3AE35ED It's all fun and games until someone starts a bonfire in the living room.