At 04:06 AM 6/1/97 -0400, Todd Graham Lewis wrote:
On Sun, 1 Jun 1997, Circuit wrote:
comments, rants, flames?
Do satellites really stand a chance against fibre? Most people think not, and more specifically that their competitiveness shall continue to decline as time progresses. Not exactly the kind of thing one wants to lay out large capital expenditures on...
High orbit, geosyncronous sattelites do not stand much of a chance against land lines as the latency on the links is quite high. Low orbit satellites, however, can be quite effective competition assuming that they have enough satellites to get coverage. These types of satellites are the ones that Gates is thinking of launching as well as several other companies/consortiums. When we can all have > 1MB/sec connectivity wireless to our laptops/video portable phones, with global coverage, satellites will rule the day. Justin "I still like land lines" Newton Justin W. Newton Senior Network Architect Priori Networks http://www.priori.net ISP/C, Director at Large http://www.ispc.org