On Mon, 08 Nov 2010 19:36:49 +0100, Mans Nilsson said:
Given this empirical data, clearly pointing to the fact that It Does Not Matter, I think we can stop this nonsense now.
That's right up there with the sites that blackhole their abuse@ address, and then claim they never actually see any complaints. Or forcing NAT at the edge, and saying "The fact we get no complaints means It Does Not Matter", ignoring SCTP and similar use cases where it *does* matter. If in fact It Does Not Matter, why did the Internet2 folks make any effort to support 9000 end-to-end? http://proj.sunet.se/LSR2/index.html says they used an MTU of 4470.. and then add "and we used only about half the MTU size (which generates heavier CPU-load on the end-hosts)", which pretty much implies the previous record was at 9000 or so. So there's empirical data that It Does Indeed Matter (at least to some people).