The technical impact of this change is that MCI will no longer announce BBN routes at the public interconnects, except to those providers who have purchased transit service from MCI.
You're inferring I can buy transit from MCI at the naps. If that is true, please let me know.
Not at all. The only inference you can draw is that MCI does indeed sell transit services, and that as part of that service, they will announce BBN routes to you. Indeed, they will announce everyone's routes to you if you so desire as a transit customer. No claims, or even vague references are made as to how or where that transit service connection is made. I know MCI will be quite willing to provide you transit services over a DS3 you purchase from them. Of course, there's the matter of the small additional fee for transit services. :-) Of course, if I totally misread your post, and you meant it to be tongue-in-cheek, then please forgive my overly candid response.