On 18/Feb/19 08:58, Viruthagiri Thirumavalavan wrote:
It sucks when you sit on the "humiliation" chair when the mistake is not yours. I'm a farmer's son from a third world country, yet trying to contribute to this world in the way I can.
Asking for feedback is not a mistake. But I have been attacked in multiple lists for that. This is the only thread I was rude and cocky.
My simple advice, take 2 weeks and think about how this thread has gone, cool down, and then decide how you want to proceed next. While nobody can take your work away from you, it does not mean that they have to accept it either. Your circumstances are your circumstances, as are everybody else's. Most people can smell a guilt trip, and often times, they don't like it. As I used to tell my friends who had trouble dating girls, "You don't get what you deserve, you get what you negotiate". Part of the gig is endearing yourself to people so that they can consider what you have to say. I do not know of any law that obliges anyone to give you attention. There is no shortage of brilliant minds that have never had their ideas realized - or even heard - simply because they could not deal with the social side of the gig. Please don't fall into that trap. Everybody wakes up everyday with their own set of problems. They have no obligation to be a part of yours, so make it easier for folk to listen to you. Whether you are right or wrong, bickering about the past deafens your core message, and simply turns people away so they don't have to add your problems on to theirs. Mark.