On 29/12/2009 21:10, Joe Greco wrote:
How do you offer a "cheaper" level of (let's say) Web-only Internet access, when the support costs will be higher? Where's the value? What's the business plan? Where's the profit in that?
As an unrelated footnote, these are questions which will become highly relevant when RIR address space depletion occurs and when providers initially believe that they can create viable product sets based on provider NAT, once their v4 address space can no longer service their customer base. [As a further sub-note, the "believe" bit is not a statement of scepticism, but rather a statement of fact; many providers will almost certainly believe that end-users will swallow provider NAT, regardless of whether the product models turn out to be viable or not.] So, although it's a different context, I think you'll see the answer to these questions in this context in the next couple of years. Nick