This is from some internal PHP thing that isn't very good (well, it's lovely actually.. the problem is that it uses a forking method to query everything and isn't that fast. I'm trying to rewrite it) Throw any of these into google if you're confused about them. It should return the correct MIB (except for the Casa ones. I'm not sure how I found those but you can ignore them if you don't have any Casa CMTS) '.' => 'macs', '.' => 'ips', '.' => 'rxpwr', '.' => 'status', // genericstatus 0-7 '.' => 'snr', '.' => 'dwnchnl', // this is actually upchannel ifindex '.' => 'ifname', // this is probably for any Cisco Docsis3 CMTS if ($cmts['DeviceModel']['name'] == 'UBR7225VXR') { unset($oids['.']); // remove dwnchnl, we'll get that from SNR unset($oids['.']); $oids['.'] = 'snr'; } switch ($cmts['DeviceType']['name']) { case 'cisco': '.' => 'status2', // cisco specific status cdxCmtsCmStatusValue '.' => 'flapcount', '.' => 'flaptime' break; case 'Casa': '.' => 'status3', // casa specific status (totally different values from cisco) '.' => 'flaptime', '.' => 'flapcount' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- things you need to pull from each cable modem: system.sysUpTime.0 transmission. down_pwr transmission. up_pwr transmission. down_snr You can also pull the modems log via an OID but I don't have that one handy. On 1/25/2016 6:45 PM, Lorell Hathcock wrote:
Thanks all for your suggestions. I am now successfully graphing SNR for each upstream channel.
-----Original Message----- From: Yang Yu [mailto:yang.yu.list@gmail.com] Sent: Sunday, January 24, 2016 5:11 PM To: Lorell Hathcock <lorell@hathcock.org> Cc: NANOG list <nanog@nanog.org> Subject: Re: Cisco CMTS SNMP OID's
On Sun, Jan 24, 2016 at 1:06 PM, Lorell Hathcock <lorell@hathcock.org> wrote:
Signal to Noise per upstream channel
CISCO-CABLE-SPECTRUM-MIB::ccsUpSpecMgmtSNR http://tools.cisco.com/Support/SNMP/do/BrowseOID.do?local=en&translate=Translate&objectInput=ccsUpSpecMgmtSNR
Cable Modem counts of all kinds connected / online ranging offline
Not there if there are OIDs for `show cable modem docsis version summary`