On Tue, Jun 30, 2009 at 9:54 AM, neal rauhauser<nrauhauser@gmail.com> wrote:
I have a network with two upstreams that land in datacenters many miles apart. The hardware involved is Cisco 7507s with RSP4s and VIP4-80. I've got a curious problem which I hope others here have faced. [snip] I can terminate this subnet on another router, wire that device into the 7507 with a crossover, and establish a BGP session. I'm wondering if there is a tidy way to set next hop in some fashion using route-maps such that all the marking would be done on the auxillary machine and the traffic passing through the 7507 would be CEF switched rather than process switched.
I hope the NANOG list can forgive me replying--I have a soft spot for 7500's. A few things to check on your box before giving up: -if you don't need v6 or mpls, run the most recent 12.0S code available - cef-switched policy based routing (which I'm not convinced is required to do what you describe) has been part of 12.0 feature set since its inception. Weather it works or not due to regressions is another story. http://www.cisco.com/en/US/docs/ios/12_0/qos/configuration/guide/qcpolicy.ht... -12.4 main works well enough, adds mpls p/pe and ipv6 in cef -"ip cef distributed" (make sure it's enabled, regardless of the IOS version) Another suggestion is to place customers into their own unique interface (i.e. sub-interface vlan, etc), and simply bind this customer to a VRF corresponding to the provider they expect/wish/etc to egress. -tk