[ On Wednesday, June 19, 2002 at 10:38:13 (-0400), Chris Woodfield wrote: ]
Subject: Re: ATTBI refuses to do reverse DNS?
If the people who "vote with their wallets" here are the ATTBI customers, don't forget that if you're not served by DSL, cable broadband is really the only good option for broadband access (I'm not counting satellite, with >1s ping times, or wireless, which is still in its infancy as a residential solution).
Sounds like an opportunity for some competing provider if you ask me, though as you say:
And rarely will you find a home anywhere in the US served by more than one cable company.
Was there not once upon a time there was a proposal to require cable-cos to provide what would effectively be layer-2 service to any IP provider? I think that requirement still stands in Canada, but until newer standards-compliant cable modems become more common it's "hard" to do and so nobody's doing it yet (and there is some whining on both sides). -- Greg A. Woods +1 416 218-0098; <gwoods@acm.org>; <g.a.woods@ieee.org>; <woods@robohack.ca> Planix, Inc. <woods@planix.com>; VE3TCP; Secrets of the Weird <woods@weird.com>