At 09:54 AM 8/24/98 -0500, you wrote:
Or you can continue to allow people to spam, which doesn't cost anything in any quantifiable manner, and annoys your support staff a whole lot less.
Mind you, I'm all for doing the responsible thing. But I understand the bottom line concerns that sometimes prevent it.
I agree with you about their reasoning behind not solving the problem. Consider though how upset tech support will be when they start receiving calls... "What's this 'RBL' thing I keep hearing about whenever I try to send mail anywhere?" If a company like Earthlink sees the two options - paying tech support to fix mail software or paying tech support to answer RBL questions, and willfully chooses RBL questions, then they are getting what they deserve, because either way, they're going to get calls on the topic that need answers. And from a corporate perspective, they should be approaching it from the "You need to fix your e-mail like this because Earthlink is trying to be a responsible member of the Internet", as opposed to "You got that message because your ISP (us) has been blacklisted by the net for being a spamhaven." My $0.02 worth, everyone's mileage will, I am certain, vary. D