On October 1, 1998 at 01:37 jh@harkin.net (John Harkin) wrote:
At 12:22 AM -0700 10/1/98, Barry Shein wrote:
So, to spell it out, the question is not whether or not there are non-porn sites in the .to domain. The question is whether or not there are any Tongan activities in the Tongan domain? Since the US Consulate of the Kingdom of Tonga isn't even a Tongan site one wonders just what purpose this domain is serving.
The Tongan consulate in SF *is* Tongan territory, not US. Seems like a good place to keep a server to keep its traffic off the satellite to me.
The server with the tongan consulate net address appears to be a web server for some software company and has nothing to do with Tonga as far as I can tell. Is it located at the Tongan consulate? -- -Barry Shein Software Tool & Die | bzs@world.std.com | http://www.world.com Purveyors to the Trade | Voice: 617-739-0202 | Login: 617-739-WRLD The World | Public Access Internet | Since 1989 *oo*