| SD> I suppose this would be an incredibly tacky time to say I told you so? | | s/tacky/misleading/g Huh? I was completely agreeing with you. Strange that you should call that "misleading"! | The RA services at MAE-West were never declared production because we did | not have two operational RSes deployed there. Only a strange group of people could assign blame to MERIT for Paul's "quite a few peerships" which failed because they relied upon something that was not a production service, unless they were uncharitable and asserted that it was MERIT's duty to push back against people using it even as an explicitly experimental service. I wouldn't. People should be free to have unsafe peerings if they want. Indeed, one would have to be VERY uncharitable to MERIT because "the strength of Merit's publicity" is in itself pretty weak. Moreover, given the countless times Vadim Antonov, many others and I have spent saying "relying upon the RSes and the RA is a baaaaaaaad idea" (whether you agree or not: the pro and con side are both debatable, and arguments for either side are forms of publicity), it's practically not much more than sour grapes on the part of people who never believe an iota of the argument that the current Internet will not safely sustain large numbers of bilateral and multilateral peerings. The RS failure at MAE-WEST is just one example of the problems one likely will encounter when refusing to accept that as a current (but not necessarily permanent) reality. However, I do welcome people's efforts to prove me wrong, especially where such efforts advance IP routing technologies in potentially useful ways. Sean.