From: Jim Van Baalen <vansax@atmnet.net> By the time I saw messages related to as7007 I had already diagnosed the problem By definition. My point precisely. but I don't see anything inappropriate about discussing it here. There's a difference between discussing how to keep it from happening again (routing registries and filters have been alluded to in the past and maybe they'll get additional consideration from certain entities this time), and concluding that since you haven't seen any mail related to the outage you must be the first person to notice it and immediately sending off mail so you'll impress your fellow NANOG readers with your razor-sharp network debugging skills (no this is obviously not directed at you, but if you took a guess on targets you just might be right). Note that I didn't pass any judgement on appropriateness in my message. What I intended to convey is that maybe, just maybe, the reason that you haven't seen any mail about the network being broken is, in some way, attributable to the fact that the network is broken. And people should cogitate on that one before composing an email message. That's all. ---Rob