On Tue, Feb 18, 2020 at 7:20 PM Dan Wing <danwing@gmail.com> wrote:
For all we know, you and the others noticing the issue have fallen into the pit of A/B testers checking for their current throttling, and others aren't being throttled.
Ouch, I hope not -- do A/B tests that result in extreme performance degradation continue indefinitely ?
Youtube/Google is hoping customers complain to AT&T
It seems like this is one area where AT&T has no reason to care (unless management decides to get involved). The default stance from support would be, I assume: "Google is slow for you? Well obviously it can't be Google's fault. Have a new NAT box" I would bet dollars to donuts that if Google took a proper look at their stats they would see this issue manifesting as users simply not using services that have been QUIC-holed. -- Dan