Hallo North Americans, I am from Europe. A contributor on the Centos (the largest Red Hat clone) list suggested I reposted my ARIN item on your list. I have a BASH script called .w It contains #! /bin/bash whois $1 host $1 When I type .w I receive a normal and conventional display of data because that IP address is not 'organised' by ARIN. When I type:- .w I receive a one line summary of possible matches, which always includes ARIN, but omits the details we used to receive before ARIN implemented its much criticised "improved" service. My second script .wa is more useful for North American IP enquiries:- #! /bin/bash whois -h whois.arin.net n + $1 host $1 On some occasions I get a normal display of Northern American data. The 'n' and '+' are not part of WHOIS. They are ARIN's own parameters. This example produces a 'near-as-possible-because-it-is-ARIN' display:- .wa However when ARIN automatically forwards the query to a North American RWHOIS the query is apparently malformed and nothing useful is displayed. For example:- .wa The Internet was created in North America. Many people around the world would appreciate your help in getting ARIN to revert to normal WHOIS displays. ARIN wants enquirers to click on web page after web page to try and find the information previously displayed in a single response. Frankly that weird attitude is stark raving bonkers! -- With best regards, Paul. England, EU.