21 Jul
21 Jul
2:31 a.m.
On Mon, Jul 20, 2009, William Pitcock wrote:
I don't need any of that stuff, just BGP, OSPF and fast packet forwarding for IPv4. But the point is that I need only routing functionality, I don't need switching functionality like on a Cisco 6500-class system.
I bet if you went and spoke to the right people in the correct open source kernel/distribution project, -given the right clue-, very fast forwarding and QoS could start appearing in *NIX OSes. The problem I see is there's a lot of demand -once it is done-, but no one org or group willing to pony up to see it happen. The clue is out there. They're just looking for a way to pay the rent. Adrian (Not looking to do this, I have enough going on atm..)