I think APNIC has a policy that defines the minimum IPv6 allocation based on your current IPv4 allocation/usage. This would fix the problem? ----- Original Message ----- From: "Randy Carpenter" <rcarpen@network1.net> To: "Nick Hilliard" <nick@foobar.org> Cc: nanog@nanog.org Sent: Wednesday, 27 October, 2010 6:31:18 AM Subject: Re: IPv6 Routing table will be bloated? I think ARIN is now doing sparse allocations on /28 boundaries. My personal opinion is that it should be even more sparse, and that allocations should be done on nibble boundaries. Any reasonably-sized ISP should get at least a /28. I deal with many small-ish ISPs, and most are 5,000-10,000 users. Those are probably served by a /32 for quite some time. When you get into the ones that are 20,000-50,000, it gets tricker to deal with. Those should get a /28. The mega-ISPs should get a /24, or even a /20. Another problem is that the allocations from IANA to the RIRs are too small to begin with. If there are 5 RIRs, why does there have to be so much fragmentation? It is too late for that, though. Anyway, I think there are some proposals floating around (Owen? ;-) ) That would make the /32,/28,/24 (nibble boundary) idea into policy. We'll have to wait and see what happens.