Netfortius wrote:
Has anybody used (and been successful at) a bit-torrent-like agent for fast distribution of LEGAL software (install programs of large-DVD size), across multiple sites, all over the globe, with bad WAN connectivity? I have read a couple of references online (e.g. http://torrentfreak.com/university-uses-utorrent-080306/) about such, but I am a little reluctant to do it in a corporate environment, especially in the light of potential misuse of such ... unless finding a way to install, use and remove the P2P agent, all in one shot ... catch 22, sort of (distributing the P2P agent, that is :)) ...
well if the connectivity universally sucks no amount of p2p is going to help... We have some experience with large file distribution in this fashion because of the fedora core DVD iso's and we can say generally at this point that the mirror infrastructure serves more iso's on release day than the torrents do... that said the p2p client does rule out needing to select a mirror that has free slots during a flash crowd.
P.S. If inappropriate for this mailing list, I apologize - but the "long fat pipe" thread gave me the idea to ask here, vs. sysadmin-like lists, as the potential for network impact is my primary concern.