On Sep 11, 2004, at 11:40 PM, Daniel Senie wrote:
And here I thought I was the only one to seriously consider blocking gmail (to and from) because of the security implications.
Hope you are blocking every non-personal mail server on the planet. I'm with Paul on the "makes sense" to run your own personal mail server - for me, and others who _can_ run their own mail server. For those who can't, public mail servers are all "scary". Gmail is no more scary than hotmail, yahoo, msn, verizon, earthlink, or any of a billion other mail systems on the 'Net. Put another way, how many of you have mailboxes on your personal server for friends and family without the clue / time / motivation to run their own mail server? Should we all block you because you can read / store / sort / examine / virus check their mail? People like it when someone else takes care of the back-end details. And if someone else is doing that, then someone else can read their personal stuff. Period, end of discussion. Deal with it. Or cut yourself off from e-mail. Your e-mail, your decision. Just please stop complaining to the rest of us how scared you are that some mail admin on the other end of a port 25 connection might read something you sent to one of their users. It's so... 1970s. -- TTFN, patrick