Dear All, Despite attempts to contact DNSRBL / Namesystems I'm not receiving any response at all - has anyone on the list any useful contacts? (www.dnsrbl.com) - please reply off list. They're blacklisting one of our mail servers - I think for an issue that must be at least two months old given that they are using an incorrect CNAME in their list which hasn't existed for two at least two months - and I am getting nothing but an automated response from their email addresses. Regards Mark -- Mark Vevers. Principal Internet Engineer, Internet for Learning, Research Machines Plc AS 5503 -- Legal Disclaimer: Internet communications are not secure and therefore RM does not accept legal responsibility for the contents of this message. Any views or opinions presented are only those of the author and not those of RM. Please note that RM may intercept incoming and outgoing e-mail communications.