craig washington wrote:
Newbie question, what criteria do you look for when you decide that you want to peer with someone or if you will accept peering with someone from an ISP point of view.
If you're new to the game, peer with everyone you can and use route servers aggressively. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. At the point at which you have a medium sized network, in the sense of maintaining multiple peering points, PNIs, transit customers, and tens to hundreds of gigs of traffic (i.e. the stage at which you actually have to think a bit about your traffic routing policies), you might want to consider whether it's worth your while peering with smaller players and also whether whether route servers are still a good fit for your business requirements. If you are very large, the rules are completely different and will depend entirely on your business model. Some organisations thrive on open interconnection models; others prefer to be highly selective. Nick