The question is whether or not the .to domain is being run for any legitimate purpose (i.e., should it be maintained in the root servers), and how that question might be reviewed, or has it been mostly hijacked for malicious purposes? -b On October 1, 1998 at 11:59 kgraham@resolution.com (kgraham@resolution.com) wrote:
Unfortunately, as of right this minute, 10/1 at 2:20PM EDT, these porn domain forgers are back on the Tonga site and spamming away again forging our domain name into their spams.
If this is the issue at hand, why is the topic centered on a domain registry that happens to resolve one of their ips? Shouldn't the issue be taken up with whoever is providing transport to the said sites?
Perhaps this is an issue of my own lack of experience, but I don't understand why .to should be singled out at all. For this case, the miscreants could be running without any name resolution. Certainly everyone here is willing to acknowledge that a domain name is simply symbolic.
I think holding the Kingdom of Tonga responsible for these spammers having namespace under their iso tld is just as ludicrous as holding STD respnisble for 'permitting' their domain name to be forged.
Something is very, very wrong with the Tongan domain and its management. They're not removing criminal domain-hijacking spammers, they're just letting them change their name as far as I can tell.
-- -Barry Shein
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