All AT&T InterSpan North American frame services are down. Our 200 site WAN just went dark. No ETA for repair. - Dustin - ______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________ Subject: the whole world disappeared? Author: Rob M VanHooren <rob@linkd.net> at sb-entsmtp Date: 4/13/98 5:21 PM Anyone have details on AT&T tkt# 841-302-457? Apparently 75% of all Canada/US cross-border just fell over and died. I've got Frame and T's *and* 800/888 voice circuits that just went for a nosedive. Nobody's saying squat. Anyone with a clue or ETA? Who dropped a bomb or something? Is it just AT&T? I tried Sprint and MCI's NOCs; they are both also "experiencing heavy call volume" and that might be a clue it's bigger than just one IXC. And I wanted to go home on time (ie. before midnight). Sheesh. I know, I know, it's my fault -- I chose this as a career :-)) Anyone with a clue, drop us a note? w/thx. --R. PS: yes, yes, this really should have gone to outage-discuss. Sorry... ~~*-,._.,-*~'`^`'~*-,._.,-*~'`^`'~*-,._.,-*~'`^`'~*-,._.,-*~'`^`'~*-.._..-*~ Rob M. VanHooren - Chief Plumber, +1 519 679-1155 x33 Packet Pusher, and Resident Mad Scientist(tm) Alarms to 646-4724 Network Engineering Services 171 Queens Avenue, Suite 320 Linkdata Communications Inc. London, CANADA