Anyone got some pointers on how to get off SORBS' Dynamic IP lists? We've followed their RFC proposed static reverse DNS assignment naming and all elements of their FAQ. We are not spammers. The /24 in question isnt listed on any RBLs except SORBS DUL. We've submitted requests in various different formats, but get a robot reply and -ENOJOY. We've even had our upstream that is listed at the RIR as managing the supernet of our BGP announced prefixes submit requests to delist for the /24, but we are only ever replied to by a robot that lists as dynamic except .163 (somehow manually excluded from their db, I think when they werent adrift in years past). Our upstream's techs are also at a loss now and suggested I seek arcane clue amongst the sages here. Pointers appreciated. /kc -- Ken Chase - ken@heavycomputing.ca - +1 416 897 6284 - Toronto CANADA Heavy Computing - Clued bandwidth, colocation and managed linux VPS @151 Front St. W.