An interesting side issue to the UUNet peering discussions is the capability/willingness of providers to create complex BGP policies based on the wants or needs of their individual customers. What if a customer requested their routes not be transmitted beyond your network (save your customers), in essence a private peering of the sort this list is discussing. Or perhaps more complex cases, where they want it sent to some of your peers, but not others (for AUP or other reasons). How about on a route by route basis, if they want some routes to follow one policy and some another? With creative community use, id imagine most of these scenarios could likely be implemented with a minimum of difficulty. I'm just wondering if many providers are seeing/doing this already, as systems like this could seem to give the end customer quite a bit more control of not only how outcoming traffic flows, but incoming as well (quite possibly at the price of some redundency). Are many providers negotiable to creating and accepting communities from downstream customers? - jeremy // Jeremy Hinton Visionary Systems, Inc. // jgh@visi.net http://www.visi.net // Network Operations Newport News, VA // A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men