On Mon, 28 Feb 2005, Geoff White wrote:
2) What is the "preferred or correct" way for a relatively small outfit (a small search engine) to implement Multihoming? Especially when most of the machines are a VLS cluster so we are not talking about a large address space here. It seems the outfit is having difficulty getting blocks that they can even run BGP with, (I know I'm missing a lot here) They can't even fill a /24, let alone anything greater :)
Doesn't matter. Assuming we're talking about ARIN-region, if they're multihomed, one of their providers can assign them a /24 (even if they'll only use 2 IPs) so that they can announce that /24 to their other providers and have a chance of not being route filtered. ARIN rules specifically permit this, and it won't be held against the provider when they apply for more space. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Jon Lewis | I route Senior Network Engineer | therefore you are Atlantic Net | _________ http://www.lewis.org/~jlewis/pgp for PGP public key_________