23 Dec
23 Dec
9:51 p.m.
do organizations you know prefer autoconf or dhcpv6? and why?
What I hear is that enterprise admins want DHCPv6 because they want to have control. Me, I want to run a DHCPv6-free network because RAs give me what I want and more protocols just means more headaches.
I would much prefer DHCPv6 to work "just like DHCPv4" - which means that the great bulk of our customers are configured with an unnumbered interface on a BRAS, and all the relevant IP configuration is on the DHCP server. The key here is avoidance of customer-specific config on the BRAS. It's beginning to sound like IPv6 is going to be considerably more complex than IPv4 here - which is certainly going to slow its uptake... Steinar Haug, Nethelp consulting, sthaug@nethelp.no