Naslund, Steve wrote:
How about this? Show me 10 users in the average neighborhood creating content at 5 mbps....Period. Only realistic app I see is home surveillance but I don't think you want everyone accessing that anyway. The truth is that the average user does not create content that anyone needs to see. This has not changed throughout the ages, the ratio of authors to readers, artists to art lovers, musicians to music lovers, YouTube cat video creator to cat video lovers, has never been a many to many relationship.
Hmm... my copy of crashplan is reporting 8mps of upload right now. Granted, that's not average, but it can be sustained for a while, whenever I shut down a virtual machine (Parallels on a Mac, the entire virtual image takes a while to back up - not all that uncommon). I also expect that most folks who buy a network backup service just use the default settings for when to do backups - which suggests an awful lot of backup traffic going on at the same time every night. Miles Fidelman -- In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice, there is. .... Yogi Berra