On Dec 15, 2014, at 9:59 PM, Ammar Zuberi <ammar@fastreturn.net> wrote:
Although this might not apply to you in the US, anyone else thinking about trying this might want to check up on possible legal backlash from using one of these devices. I know you can't legally use one of these in Dubai.
They’re legal in the US as long as they’re registered with the carrier and meet the new regulations for intelligent cellular repeaters. There were some new laws regarding these repeaters that went into effect earlier this year, I think around April. A Cel-Fi repeater that I used to own did a nifty thing by scanning for and amplifying only the signals belonging to the carrier the repeater was programmed for rather than doing a full band repeat of everyone. I got rid of the Cel-Fi when I upgraded to the iPhone 5S which has WiFi calling available on it. It works quite well and no need for the repeater any more. Best, Ryan Wilkins